by providencefoundation | Aug 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
A Mother’s Story We were so excited to learn that our family was growing. Our son was a toddler and we thought the timing was perfect. At 8 weeks, however, I found myself experiencing increasing morning sickness, so I went to Dr. Manning to put my mind at ease. She...
by providencefoundation | Aug 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
There’s No I In Team I’ve always had a “team mentality.” There truly “is no ‘I’ in team.” Growing up in a family of four children, all within 5 years of age, we had to operate as a team in order to survive. I saw the team concept modeled by my grand-parents at...
by providencefoundation | Aug 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
Why I love Providence… It all started in August of 2004 when I started experiencing discomfort and pain in my chest. I went through several tests with my family doctor, with no results. The pain and frequency increased and he said the only sure way to find the...